From 11/25/2022 to 12/24/2022
- 09:21 AM RK-J Feature #2773 (Closed): Remove "All" books for youtube category
- For youtube books, please do not create 'All' book. For example, if there are 10 books in 'Data Science', please do n...
- 08:41 AM RK-J Feature #2772 (Closed): Ensure same type of books are shown in search
- On learn/videos and youtube document pages: search should show only youtube books.
On learn/docs and other documen... - 01:54 AM RK-J Feature #2771 (Closed): Randomize order in which subjects and books are shown
- This feature will be more important while showing books as there will be many books for a subject (say Data Science)....
- 05:26 AM RK-J Feature #2765 (Closed): Tweaks to learn/videos page
- 1. Please add search box to the top right (usual place) to learn/videos
2. show only youtube books in search result
- 02:10 PM RK-J Feature #2764 (Closed): Add a purple boundary to the player modal
- On Production, we can easily distinguish the player modal and the background.
But, with new changes, we cannot. Be...
- 07:42 AM RK-J Bug #2747 (Resolved): Duplicate left nodes present in the metagraph after doing link update for the book which was already link updated
- Test cases -
- 07:41 AM RK-J Bug #2747: Duplicate left nodes present in the metagraph after doing link update for the book which was already link updated
- Fixed in this MR -
- 06:04 AM RK-J Bug #2747: Duplicate left nodes present in the metagraph after doing link update for the book which was already link updated
- *Issue:*
The documentProcessingId of Langref present in some of the left nodes of metagraph of Libref is not as same...
- 01:03 PM RK-J Feature #2757 (Feedback): [Big screen size] In Youtube books, change behaviour of prev and next
- Working on dev
- 01:02 PM RK-J Feature #2757 (Resolved): [Big screen size] In Youtube books, change behaviour of prev and next
- 07:39 AM RK-J Feature #2757 (In Progress): [Big screen size] In Youtube books, change behaviour of prev and next
- 09:00 AM RK-J Feature #2757 (Closed): [Big screen size] In Youtube books, change behaviour of prev and next
- Today, clicking on prev and next goes to the previous or next document. To watch the video, user has to then click on...
- 05:13 AM RK-J Feature #2755 (Closed): Support for portrait mode
- Please implement as shown in attached file.
- 03:25 PM RK-J Task #2744 (Closed): Modify the getBooks() API response.
- Send the 'book_type' field data in the response.
- 11:29 AM RK-J Feature #2743 (Closed): In key-moment documents, the video should start from the starting time when we click on "replay"
- Currently, it starts from zero.
- 09:33 AM RK-J Feature #2737 (Closed): Purple links on player modal
- Today, purple links are on the web page and if someone tries to click on a purple link, the player modal disappears.
- 11:54 AM RK-J Bug #2736 (Closed): embed code missing parameters on angular pages
- For some pages, input is of the form
<iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyr... - 10:31 AM RK-J Feature #2735 (Closed): On a 'youtube book' page, 'select documentation' changes
- On the home page and a youtube book page:
- 05:08 AM RK-J Feature #2723 (Closed): Preserve player position when modal abruptly closes
- When we click outside the player modal or closes the player modal, we should preserve the player position before the ...
- 05:04 AM RK-J Bug #2721 (Closed): Ensure player modal opens only when user clicks within the image.
- Now, it opens when clicked slightly outside as well.
- 12:19 PM RK-J Feature #2719 (Feedback): Create learn/videos2 page
- 12:18 PM RK-J Feature #2719 (Resolved): Create learn/videos2 page
- 09:16 AM RK-J Feature #2719 (In Progress): Create learn/videos2 page
- 08:16 AM RK-J Feature #2719 (Closed): Create learn/videos2 page
- Content is same as learn/videos except:
- Replace "Click here" with "Search in the box above"
- Add search box
I... - 08:47 AM RK-A Feature #2129 (Resolved): Task 1: Creating KBs
- 08:46 AM RK-A Feature #2132 (Resolved): Task 1.1: Tag KPs using only 1 KB only
- 08:46 AM RK-A Feature #2133 (Resolved): Task 1.2. Tagging of KPs using multiple KBs
- 04:47 AM RK-J Bug #2717: Ensure play button is in the center of the 'AI is the new electricity' image on all screen sizes
- Please note that the play button is on the person's head in the attachment.
- 04:10 AM RK-J Feature #2699 (Feedback): Clicking on purple link result should open doc in a new browser page in full screen mode
- 04:09 AM RK-J Feature #2699 (Resolved): Clicking on purple link result should open doc in a new browser page in full screen mode
- 04:08 AM RK-J Feature #2714 (Feedback): When purple link is clicked on youtube books, open in tab instead of window
- 04:08 AM RK-J Feature #2714 (Resolved): When purple link is clicked on youtube books, open in tab instead of window
- 04:08 AM RK-J Task #2713 (Feedback): Change/fix to 'click here' on learn/videos page.
- 04:07 AM RK-J Task #2713 (In Progress): Change/fix to 'click here' on learn/videos page.
- 04:07 AM RK-J Task #2711 (Feedback): "Support for small screen sizes upcoming"
- 04:06 AM RK-J Task #2710 (Feedback): A few required tweaks
- 04:06 AM RK-J Feature #2708 (Feedback): Move purple links to the left column
- 04:06 AM RK-J Feature #2708 (Resolved): Move purple links to the left column
- 04:05 AM RK-J Feature #2707 (Feedback): New learn page and links
- 04:05 AM RK-J Task #2706 (Feedback): Changes to make play button visible
- 04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2700 (Feedback): Add "Previous" and "Next" on top skin of player modal
- 04:04 AM RK-J Feature #2700 (Resolved): Add "Previous" and "Next" on top skin of player modal
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