From 09/05/2022 to 10/04/2022
- 09:33 AM RK-J 2.50 hours (Bug #2635 (Closed): Fixes needed for resuming ingestion(overwrite etc) after instance comes back up)
- Fixed the bug for not saving the last entry in the datastore while moving the data from tempContent to content in the...
- 09:31 AM RK-J 2.50 hours (Bug #2635 (Closed): Fixes needed for resuming ingestion(overwrite etc) after instance comes back up)
- While moving the data from temp-content to content during resumption, now comparing with the last added document.
- 06:44 AM RK-J 1.25 hour (Task #2558 (Closed): Display published booklets in the /qna page.)
- Displaying published booklets in the /qna page.
- 05:46 AM RK-J 0.50 hour (Task #2586 (Closed): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.)
- Updated all the entries on prod
- 10:36 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Feature #2618 (Closed): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level)
- Filtering out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
- 11:34 AM RK-J 3.00 hours (Bug #2599 (Closed): Mathjx is applied on wrong content)
- Fixed mathjax applied to wrong content in the javascript reference book.
- 11:43 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video)
- Replaced how-it-works/video with the learn/docs/video.
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