



From 09/05/2022 to 10/04/2022


09:33 AM RK-J 2.50 hours (Bug #2635 (Closed): Fixes needed for resuming ingestion(overwrite etc) after instance comes back up)
Fixed the bug for not saving the last entry in the datastore while moving the data from tempContent to content in the... Ayush Khandelwal
09:31 AM RK-J 2.50 hours (Bug #2635 (Closed): Fixes needed for resuming ingestion(overwrite etc) after instance comes back up)
While moving the data from temp-content to content during resumption, now comparing with the last added document. Ayush Khandelwal


06:44 AM RK-J 1.25 hour (Task #2558 (Closed): Display published booklets in the /qna page.)
Displaying published booklets in the /qna page. Ayush Khandelwal


05:46 AM RK-J 0.50 hour (Task #2586 (Closed): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.)
Updated all the entries on prod Ayush Khandelwal


10:36 AM RK-J 1.50 hour (Feature #2618 (Closed): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level)
Filtering out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level Ayush Khandelwal


12:44 PM RK-J 2.00 hours (Task #2616 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc))
Venmuhilan B


11:34 AM RK-J 3.00 hours (Bug #2599 (Closed): Mathjx is applied on wrong content)
Fixed mathjax applied to wrong content in the javascript reference book. Ayush Khandelwal


11:43 AM RK-J 1.00 hour (Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video)
Replaced how-it-works/video with the learn/docs/video. Ayush Khandelwal

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