



From 08/27/2022 to 09/25/2022


01:55 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (Feedback): Replace Resume column with URLs column
Venmuhilan B
12:27 PM RK-J Task #2625 (Resolved): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
Venmuhilan B
10:22 AM RK-J Task #2625 (In Progress): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
Venmuhilan B
09:46 AM RK-J Task #2625 (Closed): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
old: sitemap-{s}-{book}.xml
new: sitemap-{s}-{book}-{version}.xml
Ayush Khandelwal
12:01 PM RK-J Feature #2288: Add 'Include purple links' check box and purple links score input in Add Solution Graph Admin page
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
11:57 AM RK-J Feature #2332: BE: Change 'Solution Graph' in LHS menu on admin
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
11:55 AM RK-J Task #2273: BE: Reorder left pane on admin panel
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
11:52 AM RK-J Task #1888: Formulae not displaying properly in PyTorch (katex class needs css)
Working as expected on QA
Ayush Khandelwal
10:28 AM RK-J Task #2627 (Closed): Update the existing sitemap.xml file for all the existing book either by regeneration or by editing.
Ayush Khandelwal
10:26 AM RK-J Task #2626 (Closed): Rename existing sitemap file for the books.
Manually add version in all the existing books.
# Go to the sitemap bucket.
# Select & Rename the existin...
Ayush Khandelwal
09:41 AM RK-J Task #2047 (Rejected): Show the "How would you rate purple links ..." exit modal while exiting from next visit
Not needed Ram Kordale
05:23 AM RK-J Bug #2623 (Closed): Unnecessary steps necessary to overwrite
There is no issue. So, closing it.
Note: Ingest & overwrite the book with the same name.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:10 AM RK-J Bug #2623 (Closed): Unnecessary steps necessary to overwrite
Steps for ingestion success currently are:
1. delete prd book
2. ingest prod version book
3. overwrite with latest...
Ram Kordale
05:22 AM RK-J Bug #2622 (In Progress): Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
Venmuhilan B
05:18 AM RK-J Task #2624 (Closed): It should be possible to have multiple books with same name
Today, if we ingest 2 books with the same name, delete one and overwrite the other, it fails because the sitemap file... Ram Kordale


06:56 AM RK-J Feature #2621 (Resolved): Replace Resume column with URLs column
Venmuhilan B


02:28 PM RK-J Bug #2622 (Closed): Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
When operation is done on one setting, typically one cannot get any data from other settings unless one restarts the ... Ram Kordale
12:41 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (In Progress): Replace Resume column with URLs column
Venmuhilan B
12:33 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (Closed): Replace Resume column with URLs column
In each row, under this column display two hyperlinks 'FE URL' and 'BE URL' which point the TOC page on the angular a... Ram Kordale
11:34 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (In Progress): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
Venmuhilan B
11:19 AM RK-J Bug #2358 (Resolved): subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
Venmuhilan B
07:38 AM RK-J Bug #2358 (In Progress): subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
Venmuhilan B
06:53 AM RK-J Bug #2436 (Feedback): "Special characters" (quotes, ampersand, question mark etc) not working fine in booklet title and description
Venmuhilan B
05:49 AM RK-J Task #2581 (Closed): Add data-source attribute in the existing 'anchor tags'/'lurls' in the document during overwrite a book.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:48 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (Feedback): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:47 AM RK-J Feature #2538 (Feedback): Add back source page to booklet and make it point to non-dt book
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:47 AM RK-J Task #2586 (Closed): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
Updated all the entries on prod and also tested with lib ref dt and lang ref dt. Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:46 AM RK-J Task #2586 (Resolved): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
Ayush Khandelwal
05:33 AM RK-J Task #2588 (Closed): Add source page to booklet and make it point to non-dt book.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:33 AM RK-J Task #2587 (Closed): Send 'non-dt-book-id' in the API response.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:33 AM RK-J Task #2584 (Closed): Add 'non-dt-book-id' field to the 'documentProcessing' kind/table.
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
05:32 AM RK-J Feature #2533: Enable purple link on/off and threshold for search graphs
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


11:07 AM RK-A Bug #2258 (Resolved): Process definitions line like subsections header line and create the definitions-proc line
Rohit Choudhary
11:06 AM RK-A Task #2257 (Resolved): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
Rohit Choudhary
11:06 AM RK-A Task #2257 (In Progress): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
Rohit Choudhary
10:36 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (Resolved): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
Ayush Khandelwal
04:48 AM RK-J Feature #2615 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List'
Ayush Khandelwal


01:33 PM RK-J Feature #2560 (Feedback): Enable link update of a "link updated" book
Venmuhilan B
01:33 PM RK-A Task #2372 (Rejected): Reduce the impact of fullness ratio
Due to other fixes, the sim scores are as needed already. Ram Kordale
01:32 PM RK-J Task #2583 (Feedback): Update data-source attribute during overwrite ingestion.
Venmuhilan B
01:32 PM RK-J Task #2582 (Feedback): Add data-source attribute in the 'anchor-tags' during link update.
Venmuhilan B
01:31 PM RK-J Task #2617 (Feedback): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Venmuhilan B
10:42 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Venmuhilan B
07:56 AM RK-J Task #2617 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Venmuhilan B
07:50 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Reopened): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Ayush Khandelwal
07:03 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Venmuhilan B
03:13 AM RK-J Task #2617 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Venmuhilan B
01:30 PM RK-J Task #2616 (Feedback): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
Venmuhilan B
05:47 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (In Progress): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
Ayush Khandelwal


01:23 PM RK-J Feature #2618 (Closed): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
ES matches search terms in section names, content etc based on settings.
With the current settings, when ES matche...
Ram Kordale


06:12 PM RK-A Bug #2564 (Resolved): BDS/IDS tagged words should not be included in the text to be processed and tagged BR2/IR2
Rohit Choudhary
06:11 PM RK-A Feature #2585 (Resolved): Penalty to be proportional to the number of nouns in the KP Sentence and the simdoc's section hierarchy match_sent_head_nouns
Rohit Choudhary
12:44 PM RK-J Task #2616 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
Venmuhilan B
11:31 AM RK-J Task #2616 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
Venmuhilan B
10:39 AM RK-J Task #2616 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234... Ayush Khandelwal
11:24 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234... Ayush Khandelwal
09:59 AM RK-J Feature #2615 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List'
Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234... Ram Kordale


11:49 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Feedback): Auto resume deletion
Venmuhilan B
06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Resolved): Auto resume deletion
Venmuhilan B


11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2577 (Closed): Solution Graph: Enable 'Extend All Nodes - 1 level'
Ram Kordale
11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2387 (Closed): Support for LHS TOC of booklet
Ram Kordale
11:17 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
Ram Kordale
11:17 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Closed): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
Ram Kordale
11:17 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Closed): Prev/next content corruption
Ram Kordale
11:11 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (In Progress): Auto resume deletion
Venmuhilan B
10:19 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Closed): Auto resume deletion
Today, if the instance dies while deletion is ongoing, deletion fails.
Instead, automatically resume deletion just...
Ram Kordale


06:47 AM RK-J Task #2591: Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:19 AM RK-J Task #2591: Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
*Test case:*
*Test 1*. If the section hierarchy and o-url of new version didn't find the matching document in old v...
Venmuhilan B
06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2601 (Closed): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2602 (Closed): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:44 AM RK-J Feature #2553: Enable resumption of curation when executing thread is killed
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:43 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Feedback): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:40 AM RK-J Feature #2385: Show no more than 4 sections in section hierarchy in purple link results, LHS TOC of booklet and search results
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:39 AM RK-J Feature #2387: Support for LHS TOC of booklet
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
06:36 AM RK-J Feature #2339: Add section hierarchy to labels of nodes in admin side solution graph
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal


12:01 PM RK-J Bug #2436: "Special characters" (quotes, ampersand, question mark etc) not working fine in booklet title and description
Recent fix working for the special characters present in keyboard. It is not working for special characters like this... Venmuhilan B
11:35 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (Feedback): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
Working as expected on QA. Ayush Khandelwal
11:34 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (Resolved): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
Ayush Khandelwal
08:18 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (In Progress): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
Ayush Khandelwal
11:30 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Feedback): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
Working as expected Ayush Khandelwal
10:43 AM RK-J Bug #2606 (Rejected): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
Duplicate of 2599 Ram Kordale
09:16 AM RK-J Bug #2601 (Feedback): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
Venmuhilan B
09:15 AM RK-J Task #2591 (Feedback): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
Venmuhilan B
09:14 AM RK-J Bug #2602 (Feedback): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
Venmuhilan B


07:11 AM RK-J Bug #2606 (Rejected): Mathjx is applied on wrong content Ram Kordale


11:08 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Resolved): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
Venmuhilan B
10:47 AM RK-J Task #2598 (In Progress): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
Venmuhilan B


02:04 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (Resolved): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
Added a check for all the logs statements that is accessing the rank( i.e documentMarkers.get(rank).getData())
Venmuhilan B
02:03 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (In Progress): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
Exception occurred while parsing the 21.txt during resume Ingestion
In the 21.txt file, the first docum...
Venmuhilan B
02:01 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (Closed): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
Library reference DT -
Null pointer excep...
Venmuhilan B
12:32 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (Resolved): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
Venmuhilan B
12:32 PM RK-J Bug #2601: matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
Used *PropertyFilter* instead of queryString to avoid escaping single and double quotes in section Names.
Venmuhilan B
12:29 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (In Progress): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
*ssname present in the text file* - print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
Venmuhilan B
12:27 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (Closed): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
When comparing the section heirarchy of old and new version of Document 60 of Library reference DT, it didn't find th... Venmuhilan B


11:43 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Resolved): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
Ayush Khandelwal
07:21 AM RK-J Task #2600 (In Progress): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
Ayush Khandelwal
07:08 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
Ram Kordale


01:53 PM RK-J Bug #2599 (Closed): Mathjx is applied on wrong content Ram Kordale
12:26 PM RK-J Task #2591 (Resolved): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
Venmuhilan B
09:39 AM RK-J Task #2591 (In Progress): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
Venmuhilan B
09:34 AM RK-J Task #2591 (Reopened): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
If we don't found 'cnh' field while comparison of the documents then we will compare 'heading' field without the html... Ayush Khandelwal
08:52 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Closed): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
Admin api url: /getDocumentation
Response: Should return both dt and non-dt books.
Ram Kordale
07:08 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Feedback): Prev/next content corruption
Working as expected on QA Ayush Khandelwal
06:53 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Resolved): Prev/next content corruption
Ayush Khandelwal


11:04 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (In Progress): Prev/next content corruption
Ayush Khandelwal


04:14 PM RK-J Bug #2595 (Closed): Prev/next content corruption
Goto Ram Kordale
05:54 AM RK-J Task #2586 (In Progress): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
Tested with language reference-dt on QA, and it is working fine Ayush Khandelwal

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