From 08/27/2022 to 09/25/2022
- 01:55 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (Feedback): Replace Resume column with URLs column
- 12:27 PM RK-J Task #2625 (Resolved): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
- 10:22 AM RK-J Task #2625 (In Progress): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
- 09:46 AM RK-J Task #2625 (Closed): Add version in the sitemap name during ingest & overwrite.
- old: sitemap-{s}-{book}.xml
new: sitemap-{s}-{book}-{version}.xml - 12:01 PM RK-J Feature #2288: Add 'Include purple links' check box and purple links score input in Add Solution Graph Admin page
- Working as expected on QA
- 11:57 AM RK-J Feature #2332: BE: Change 'Solution Graph' in LHS menu on admin
- Working as expected on QA
- 11:55 AM RK-J Task #2273: BE: Reorder left pane on admin panel
- Working as expected on QA
- 11:52 AM RK-J Task #1888: Formulae not displaying properly in PyTorch (katex class needs css)
- Working as expected on QA - 10:28 AM RK-J Task #2627 (Closed): Update the existing sitemap.xml file for all the existing book either by regeneration or by editing.
- 10:26 AM RK-J Task #2626 (Closed): Rename existing sitemap file for the books.
- Manually add version in all the existing books.
# Go to the sitemap bucket.
# Select & Rename the existin... - 09:41 AM RK-J Task #2047 (Rejected): Show the "How would you rate purple links ..." exit modal while exiting from next visit
- Not needed
- 05:23 AM RK-J Bug #2623 (Closed): Unnecessary steps necessary to overwrite
- There is no issue. So, closing it.
Note: Ingest & overwrite the book with the same name. - 05:10 AM RK-J Bug #2623 (Closed): Unnecessary steps necessary to overwrite
- Steps for ingestion success currently are:
1. delete prd book
2. ingest prod version book
3. overwrite with latest... - 05:22 AM RK-J Bug #2622 (In Progress): Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
- 05:18 AM RK-J Task #2624 (Closed): It should be possible to have multiple books with same name
- Today, if we ingest 2 books with the same name, delete one and overwrite the other, it fails because the sitemap file...
- 02:28 PM RK-J Bug #2622 (Closed): Bug in 'Qna Generation'->'Settings' page
- When operation is done on one setting, typically one cannot get any data from other settings unless one restarts the ...
- 12:41 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (In Progress): Replace Resume column with URLs column
- 12:33 PM RK-J Feature #2621 (Closed): Replace Resume column with URLs column
- In each row, under this column display two hyperlinks 'FE URL' and 'BE URL' which point the TOC page on the angular a...
- 11:34 AM RK-J Bug #2532 (In Progress): Unable to add more than one external node in solution graph
- 11:19 AM RK-J Bug #2358 (Resolved): subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
- 07:38 AM RK-J Bug #2358 (In Progress): subsections is empty in ES metadata on document page.
- 06:53 AM RK-J Bug #2436 (Feedback): "Special characters" (quotes, ampersand, question mark etc) not working fine in booklet title and description
- 05:49 AM RK-J Task #2581 (Closed): Add data-source attribute in the existing 'anchor tags'/'lurls' in the document during overwrite a book.
- Working as expected
- 05:48 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (Feedback): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
- Working as expected
- 05:47 AM RK-J Feature #2538 (Feedback): Add back source page to booklet and make it point to non-dt book
- Working as expected
- 05:47 AM RK-J Task #2586 (Closed): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
- Updated all the entries on prod and also tested with lib ref dt and lang ref dt. Working as expected
- 05:46 AM RK-J Task #2586 (Resolved): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
- 05:33 AM RK-J Task #2588 (Closed): Add source page to booklet and make it point to non-dt book.
- Working as expected
- 05:33 AM RK-J Task #2587 (Closed): Send 'non-dt-book-id' in the API response.
- Working as expected
- 05:33 AM RK-J Task #2584 (Closed): Add 'non-dt-book-id' field to the 'documentProcessing' kind/table.
- Working as expected
- 05:32 AM RK-J Feature #2533: Enable purple link on/off and threshold for search graphs
- Working as expected
- 11:07 AM RK-A Bug #2258 (Resolved): Process definitions line like subsections header line and create the definitions-proc line
- 11:06 AM RK-A Task #2257 (Resolved): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
- 11:06 AM RK-A Task #2257 (In Progress): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
- 10:36 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (Resolved): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
- 04:48 AM RK-J Feature #2615 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List'
- 01:33 PM RK-J Feature #2560 (Feedback): Enable link update of a "link updated" book
- 01:33 PM RK-A Task #2372 (Rejected): Reduce the impact of fullness ratio
- Due to other fixes, the sim scores are as needed already.
- 01:32 PM RK-J Task #2583 (Feedback): Update data-source attribute during overwrite ingestion.
- 01:32 PM RK-J Task #2582 (Feedback): Add data-source attribute in the 'anchor-tags' during link update.
- 01:31 PM RK-J Task #2617 (Feedback): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 10:42 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 07:56 AM RK-J Task #2617 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 07:50 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Reopened): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 07:03 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 03:13 AM RK-J Task #2617 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- 01:30 PM RK-J Task #2616 (Feedback): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
- 05:47 AM RK-J Feature #2618 (In Progress): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
- 01:23 PM RK-J Feature #2618 (Closed): Filter out ES results matching section name but not at the leaf level
- ES matches search terms in section names, content etc based on settings.
With the current settings, when ES matche...
- 06:12 PM RK-A Bug #2564 (Resolved): BDS/IDS tagged words should not be included in the text to be processed and tagged BR2/IR2
- 06:11 PM RK-A Feature #2585 (Resolved): Penalty to be proportional to the number of nouns in the KP Sentence and the simdoc's section hierarchy match_sent_head_nouns
- 12:44 PM RK-J Task #2616 (Resolved): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
- 11:31 AM RK-J Task #2616 (In Progress): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
- 10:39 AM RK-J Task #2616 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operations like (In-Progress, Curating, Updating, Completed/In-Progress, Completed/Find-Comparable-Doc)
- Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234...
- 11:24 AM RK-J Task #2617 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List' for the operation like (Deletion)
- Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234...
- 09:59 AM RK-J Feature #2615 (Closed): Add progress indicator in 'Document Processing -> List'
- Please add "(<number>)" in the second line in the status coloured ellipse. So, it will look like "In Progress <nl>234...
- 11:49 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Feedback): Auto resume deletion
- 06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Resolved): Auto resume deletion
- 11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2577 (Closed): Solution Graph: Enable 'Extend All Nodes - 1 level'
- 11:19 AM RK-J Feature #2387 (Closed): Support for LHS TOC of booklet
- 11:17 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
- 11:17 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Closed): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
- 11:17 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Closed): Prev/next content corruption
- 11:11 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (In Progress): Auto resume deletion
- 10:19 AM RK-J Bug #2609 (Closed): Auto resume deletion
- Today, if the instance dies while deletion is ongoing, deletion fails.
Instead, automatically resume deletion just...
- 06:47 AM RK-J Task #2591: Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:19 AM RK-J Task #2591: Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- *Test case:*
*Test 1*. If the section hierarchy and o-url of new version didn't find the matching document in old v... - 06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2601 (Closed): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:45 AM RK-J Bug #2602 (Closed): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:44 AM RK-J Feature #2553: Enable resumption of curation when executing thread is killed
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:43 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Feedback): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:40 AM RK-J Feature #2385: Show no more than 4 sections in section hierarchy in purple link results, LHS TOC of booklet and search results
- Working as expected
- 06:39 AM RK-J Feature #2387: Support for LHS TOC of booklet
- Working as expected
- 06:36 AM RK-J Feature #2339: Add section hierarchy to labels of nodes in admin side solution graph
- Working as expected
- 12:01 PM RK-J Bug #2436: "Special characters" (quotes, ampersand, question mark etc) not working fine in booklet title and description
- Recent fix working for the special characters present in keyboard. It is not working for special characters like this...
- 11:35 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (Feedback): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- Working as expected on QA.
- 11:34 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (Resolved): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- 08:18 AM RK-J Bug #2599 (In Progress): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- 11:30 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Feedback): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
- Working as expected
- 10:43 AM RK-J Bug #2606 (Rejected): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- Duplicate of 2599
- 09:16 AM RK-J Bug #2601 (Feedback): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- 09:15 AM RK-J Task #2591 (Feedback): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- 09:14 AM RK-J Bug #2602 (Feedback): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
- 07:11 AM RK-J Bug #2606 (Rejected): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- 11:08 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Resolved): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
- 10:47 AM RK-J Task #2598 (In Progress): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
- 02:04 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (Resolved): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
- *Fix*
Added a check for all the logs statements that is accessing the rank( i.e documentMarkers.get(rank).getData()) - 02:03 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (In Progress): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
- *Reason*
Exception occurred while parsing the 21.txt during resume Ingestion
In the 21.txt file, the first docum... - 02:01 PM RK-J Bug #2602 (Closed): Null pointer exception occurred while parsing
- Library reference DT -
Null pointer excep... - 12:32 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (Resolved): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- 12:32 PM RK-J Bug #2601: matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- *Fix:
Used *PropertyFilter* instead of queryString to avoid escaping single and double quotes in section Names.
... - 12:29 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (In Progress): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- *Reason:*
*ssname present in the text file* - print(*objects, sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=False)
*s... - 12:27 PM RK-J Bug #2601 (Closed): matching document not found when Ingesting the same book in overwrite mode
- When comparing the section heirarchy of old and new version of Document 60 of Library reference DT, it didn't find th...
- 11:43 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Resolved): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
- 07:21 AM RK-J Task #2600 (In Progress): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
- 07:08 AM RK-J Task #2600 (Closed): Replace how-it-works/video with learn/docs/video
- 01:53 PM RK-J Bug #2599 (Closed): Mathjx is applied on wrong content
- 12:26 PM RK-J Task #2591 (Resolved): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- 09:39 AM RK-J Task #2591 (In Progress): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- 09:34 AM RK-J Task #2591 (Reopened): Enable correct document comparison when o-url and section hierarchy is the same for two different documents
- If we don't found 'cnh' field while comparison of the documents then we will compare 'heading' field without the html...
- 08:52 AM RK-J Task #2598 (Closed): Please include dt books also in /documentation2
- Admin api url: /getDocumentation
Response: Should return both dt and non-dt books. - 07:08 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Feedback): Prev/next content corruption
- Working as expected on QA
- 06:53 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (Resolved): Prev/next content corruption
- 11:04 AM RK-J Bug #2595 (In Progress): Prev/next content corruption
- 04:14 PM RK-J Bug #2595 (Closed): Prev/next content corruption
- Goto
- 05:54 AM RK-J Task #2586 (In Progress): Add the 'non-dt-book-id' field in the datastore manually for all the existing books.
- Tested with language reference-dt on QA, and it is working fine
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