Ram Kordale's activity
From 04/07/2022 to 05/06/2022
- 06:43 AM RK-J Feature #2315 (Closed): Add pointer to document page at the bottom of lesson page
- A booklet (which we called solution graph lesson) consists of 1 or more pages. At the bottom of each page, please add...
- 06:36 AM RK-J Task #2314 (Closed): Enable Ads in solution graph lessons
- 01:06 PM RK-J Bug #2311 (Closed): Solution graph lesson: Null Section hierarchy returned
- In https://edutestqa.appspot.com/trainee/lesson/view/93a8d5c1-4765-4123-9467-e56fe84a4e10, the value of the section h...
- 10:25 AM RK-J Feature #2310 (Closed): Make solution graph lesson mobile friendly
- For example, we need to handle the TOC with a collapsible button.
# Add the *toggle sidebar menu* for the *table o...
- 06:16 AM RK-J Task #1851 (Reopened): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
- This is not solved yet.
- 11:48 AM RK-J Bug #2289 (Closed): Mistake in URL
Steps to reproduce:
1. Google search "site:rapidken.ai".
2. Click on one of the results.
3. Search for some term...
- 09:44 AM RK-J Feature #2288 (Closed): Add 'Include purple links' check box and purple links score input in Add Solution Graph Admin page
- Today, purple links are added by default. Going forward, if the check box is not checked, do not include purple links...
- 09:00 AM RK-J Task #2286 (Closed): Exclude subSections from being indexed by Datastore
- However, it should still be a field in ES.
- 06:15 AM RK-J Bug #2284 (Closed): Ensure next button of guide is visible always
- On guide: sometimes, the following happens: (a) page shows up (b) user scrolls down (c) then, our guide comes.
- 02:24 PM RK-J Task #2279 (Closed): Tweaks to tba and tbr (figuring out comparable documents)
- Today, we find a l-url as different from another url if it differs in one of section hierarchy, heading or o-url.
- 01:34 PM RK-J Task #2273 (Closed): BE: Reorder left pane on admin panel
- Order them as: 'Home', 'Solution Graph', 'Content Curation', 'Qna Generation', 'Document Processing', 'Reports', 'Fe...
- 05:08 PM RK-A Bug #2180 (Rejected): (9 mar testing: d10) '__add__', '__mul__', '__imul__' and 'operator' should not be 1KP since there is no context match
- Solved by fixes to other tickets.
- 02:38 PM RK-A Task #2259 (Resolved): Use processed definition strings to find similar documents
- Today, if we have 'dictionary' KP in a document in lib ref book, we point to 'Python 3 Library Reference > Built-in T...
- 02:36 PM RK-A Bug #2258 (Resolved): Process definitions line like subsections header line and create the definitions-proc line
- 02:36 PM RK-A Task #2257 (Resolved): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
- This is just a hack to quickly use this line downstream
- 02:34 PM RK-A Bug #2256 (New): Support for definitions/defStrings
- In a token file, some documents may contain a line "$%^definitions:<defString1>#$<defString2>#$..." under the "$%^sub...
- 08:43 AM RK-J Task #2254 (Closed): Appengine config changes for scaling Apr 11 2022
- Please make the changes for FE and BE on Prod under 'Apr 11 2022' sections in https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Ac...
- 03:58 PM RK-J Feature #2253 (Closed): Show 'purple link bobbing pointer' and guide even when there is no bold purple link
- Amongst all purple links whose score >= 0.9, point to purple link with max(score/(occurrenceCountRatio/100)^2). So, w...
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