


Ram Kordale's activity

From 04/07/2022 to 05/06/2022


06:43 AM RK-J Feature #2315 (Closed): Add pointer to document page at the bottom of lesson page
A booklet (which we called solution graph lesson) consists of 1 or more pages. At the bottom of each page, please add... Ram Kordale
06:36 AM RK-J Task #2314 (Closed): Enable Ads in solution graph lessons
Ram Kordale


01:06 PM RK-J Bug #2311 (Closed): Solution graph lesson: Null Section hierarchy returned
In, the value of the section h... Ram Kordale
10:25 AM RK-J Feature #2310 (Closed): Make solution graph lesson mobile friendly
For example, we need to handle the TOC with a collapsible button.
# Add the *toggle sidebar menu* for the *table o...
Ram Kordale


06:16 AM RK-J Task #1851 (Reopened): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
This is not solved yet. Ram Kordale


11:48 AM RK-J Bug #2289 (Closed): Mistake in URL

Steps to reproduce:
1. Google search "".
2. Click on one of the results.
3. Search for some term...
Ram Kordale


09:44 AM RK-J Feature #2288 (Closed): Add 'Include purple links' check box and purple links score input in Add Solution Graph Admin page
Today, purple links are added by default. Going forward, if the check box is not checked, do not include purple links... Ram Kordale
09:00 AM RK-J Task #2286 (Closed): Exclude subSections from being indexed by Datastore
However, it should still be a field in ES. Ram Kordale
06:15 AM RK-J Bug #2284 (Closed): Ensure next button of guide is visible always
On guide: sometimes, the following happens: (a) page shows up (b) user scrolls down (c) then, our guide comes.
Ram Kordale


02:24 PM RK-J Task #2279 (Closed): Tweaks to tba and tbr (figuring out comparable documents)
Today, we find a l-url as different from another url if it differs in one of section hierarchy, heading or o-url.
Ram Kordale


01:34 PM RK-J Task #2273 (Closed): BE: Reorder left pane on admin panel
Order them as: 'Home', 'Solution Graph', 'Content Curation', 'Qna Generation', 'Document Processing', 'Reports', 'Fe... Ram Kordale


05:08 PM RK-A Bug #2180 (Rejected): (9 mar testing: d10) '__add__', '__mul__', '__imul__' and 'operator' should not be 1KP since there is no context match
Solved by fixes to other tickets. Ram Kordale


02:38 PM RK-A Task #2259 (Resolved): Use processed definition strings to find similar documents
Today, if we have 'dictionary' KP in a document in lib ref book, we point to 'Python 3 Library Reference > Built-in T... Ram Kordale
02:36 PM RK-A Bug #2258 (Resolved): Process definitions line like subsections header line and create the definitions-proc line
Ram Kordale
02:36 PM RK-A Task #2257 (Resolved): Copy definitions line to definitions-proc line
This is just a hack to quickly use this line downstream Ram Kordale
02:34 PM RK-A Bug #2256 (New): Support for definitions/defStrings
In a token file, some documents may contain a line "$%^definitions:<defString1>#$<defString2>#$..." under the "$%^sub... Ram Kordale
08:43 AM RK-J Task #2254 (Closed): Appengine config changes for scaling Apr 11 2022
Please make the changes for FE and BE on Prod under 'Apr 11 2022' sections in Ram Kordale


03:58 PM RK-J Feature #2253 (Closed): Show 'purple link bobbing pointer' and guide even when there is no bold purple link
Amongst all purple links whose score >= 0.9, point to purple link with max(score/(occurrenceCountRatio/100)^2). So, w... Ram Kordale

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