


Ram Kordale's activity

From 10/09/2021 to 11/07/2021


05:38 AM RK-J Feature #1822: Allow resumption of ingest if instance on which "ingest background thread" was terminated
Adding parent ticket for ease of tracking. Ram Kordale
05:36 AM RK-J Task #1851 (Closed): Handle 'all books continuous link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ram Kordale
05:35 AM RK-J Task #1850 (Closed): Handle 'single book link update' background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ram Kordale
05:30 AM RK-J Task #1849 (Closed): Handle ingest background thread being killed because the instance running it is terminated
Ram Kordale


08:32 AM RK-J Task #1841 (Closed): [3 Subjects] Canonical URL should not be hardcoded
Regardless of how we land up on a page, the canonical url should contain "<subjectName>*". Today, it is hardcoded to ... Ram Kordale


01:56 PM RK-J Feature #1822 (Closed): Allow resumption of ingest if instance on which "ingest background thread" was terminated
-On the Document->List page, provide a 'resume' button when resumption is a valid option
-Take the simplistic approa...
Ram Kordale


06:17 AM RK-J Feature #1775 (Closed): Minimal css support - rk-box
Just like rk-sidebar creates a box in the right hand side, we need to have rk-box that just creates a box around the ... Ram Kordale


01:18 PM RK-J Feature #1756 (Closed): [ads1] Add Subject to meta description
Today, meta description has "Annotated, easy to read doc: <heading> (<comma separated subsections>) in <subject> <boo... Ram Kordale


08:24 AM RK-A Task #1505 (Rejected): Sample task
Sample ticket Ram Kordale

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